Orange Shirt Day
Posted on September 28 2022Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day. We encourage all staff and students to wear orange tomorrow to honour the thousands of Survivors of residential schools.
Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day. We encourage all staff and students to wear orange tomorrow to honour the thousands of Survivors of residential schools.
Hello Coyote Families, Thank you to those families who commented to let us know what you were wondering. Please review the Coyote Update Newsletter by clicking on the link below. Reply to if…
Come and celebrate the achievements of our high school students on Tuesday, June 14th at 6:30pm!
Here is the June exam schedule for WCS. Good luck to everyone as we head to the finish line for the 2021/22 school term! June Exam Schedule
The Scholastic Book Fair is back at Wheatland Crossing! Our wonderful parent volunteers will be working the Fair from 9am-3:30pm from today, Monday, May 9th until Tuesday May 17th during school hours.…
Wheatland Crossing Students go Hungry for 30 Hours, Band Together to Support the Wheatland County Food Bank 30 Hr. Famine
After a long week of play, Team Alberta brought home the Gold medal in sudden-death overtime at the Seven Chiefs Arena in the Tsuut’ina Nation. The girls brought the heat early on and maintained the…
We are very excited to celebrate with our 2022 Graduates tomorrow night, Thursday 31st!. Tickets are sold out for the dinner but if you would like to attend our cake auction, you are welcome to come to…
School Engage Online Registration Form. Thank you for choosing WHEATLAND CROSSING SCHOOL!
Kindergarten students will come to school on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Friday's on a Day B schedule. They have also been highlighted.
Play and Learn is a licensed Daycare that is held on the days that Kindergarten is not in session. There is a cost to attend Play and Learn.