
Parent Council

Parent Counil meetings are held around every other month. To have a say in what happens in your child's school it is important to attend the meetings.

This is where school information is shared from the principal. We also have information from the district level when our school board trustee, Laurie Huntley, is able to join us. 

Thank you to everyone who comes to these meetings to have a voice and help provide the school with many different opportunites. 

Student Achieve

As most of you are aware, there are two parts to the report card. One part is the actual paper copy that is sent home (called the Learner Profile). The second part is a Parent Portal where you can see a more in-depth view of how your child is doing on the specific curriculum outcomes. In order to enter this online area the school requires an email address from you (if they do not already have one). You can go to the parent site here!

If you require any help accessing this site or setting up an account, please contact the school secretary. THANKS for supporting your child’s education!