Michelle Hilton

My name is Michelle Hilton and I am looking forward to being the Principal of Wheatland Crossing School. Growing up in Rockyford I was fortunate enough to be a part of many of the communities that make up the Coyote family and I am eager to be a part of those communities again. My passion for hockey found me accepting a job in Medicine Hat 18 years ago and now it is our desire to return to our roots that have brought us home. I earned my Bachelor's degree from the University of Lethbridge in 2003 and my Masters Degree in Teacher Leadership from the American College of Education. I look forward to working alongside all members of the WCS community as we continue to build a culture of respect, collaboration, and integrity in all that we do. When I am not at WCS you will likely see me around either at the rink, the court, the pitch, the trails, or the pools chasing our four kids around as they get to do what they love. Most of the time my husband and I get to join in on the fun too!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding Wheatland Crossing School.